TheGospelOfGod q&a – I’m afraid if I do something bad in the future, I may not be a Christian anymore. Is that right?

There is a new website that helps us in our Christian life – – asking some very important questions and answering these questions in the light of the Word of God. Many of us, the young people, have questions – or are being asked questions by our friends – regarding the Lord Jesus, our salvation, preaching the gospel, the meaning of our life, the future, etc. Today I was impressed and encouraged again to hear a good answer to this many-times-troubling question,

I’m afraid if I do something bad in the future, I may not be a Christian anymore. Is that right?

So, what happens if we sin or do something bad? Here’s an excerpt of the answer:

As you mentioned, this question is often raised when we have a failure; or if somehow our feelings for the Lord seem to grow cold. The need here then is not “assurance” of salvation, but rather a “security” of salvation. A man may be assured he has a million dollars in the bank, but if the bank leaves the door to the vault unlocked and unopened, he may have the confidence that his money is secure for the future. Our eternal salvation is not at risk like this. Our eternal salvation is secure.

The first thing we need to see is that our salvation was not initiated by us, but rather by God. The Lord Jesus clearly said in John 15:16, “You did not choose Me, but I chose you.” We may have had the thought our being saved was our doing; actually it was God’s doing. Therefore, since Ecclesiastes 3:14 says, “I know that whatever God does, it will be forever.” We can have confidence that our salvation is secure, forever.

And there’s more – listen to the podcast entitled “I’m afraid if I do something bad in the future, I may not be a Christian anymore. Is that right?” and read the transcript of this podcast via TheGospelOfGod, and become a fan of this spiritual website via Facebook. In their own words, they say:

At we are happy to provide podcasts and articles to both those who may have just come to know the Lord recently as well as those whom, in their pursuit of Him, would like help, encouragement, nourishment, and enjoyment to advance in your Christian life.