knowing and experiencing the resurrection life of Christ which nullifies death

touching the hem of the garments of the resurrected Christ in our experience

The whole Bible is focused on resurrection – not only the New Testament where the Lord Jesus says that He is the resurrection and the life, but even in the Old Testament we see so many types and examples of resurrection. God created the old creation, but actually what He wants is the new creation, something in resurrection, something fully in Christ. The Lord Jesus Himself is the resurrection and the life – whenever we enjoy Him in our spirit, the resurrection life spreads into all our inward being!

The Lord Jesus Christ as the Firstborn from the dead, as the first one produced in resurrection, is ever existing, beyond any limitation, and He transcends time and space! When He was on the earth in the flesh He couldn’t be everywhere – He was limited by time and space. But today Christ is omnipresent, without any limitation! He defeated death and took the keys of death and of Hades – as such a One He is the Lord Spirit in resurrection to impart the resurrection life into all His believers.

The reality of Christ’s resurrection is in the Spirit with our spirit – by virtue of being one spirit with the Lord we can enjoy the resurrection life applied to our being. This life swallows up death, brings in victory, and uplifts our humanity to bring it into divinity and fully express God. Hallelujah for Christ in His resurrection! Read more concerning our experience of Christ’s resurrection via,

touching the hem of the garments of the resurrected Christ in our experience