God’s heart’s desire and His eternal purpose, His economy, related to man!

From eternity past to eternity future, God was/is/will be. He simply exists / existed even before time began! But at one point there was a council in the divine Trinity – The Triune God took a decision, He had a counsel – He wants a corporate expression in this universe(Gen 1:26)! For this, He predestinated and marked out many sons unto glory, to make them fully His expression in a collective way as His Body, the church! In His heart’s desire to be expressed fully, God chose us, His believers, even before the earth was created, before the world began, before the foundation of the world – even before Satan fell(Eph. 1:4)! In time, He activated His selection and redeemed us, washed us, gained us, saved us, and now He is sanctifying us, renewing us, transforming us, shepherding us, nourishing and cherishing us, conforming us, and glorifying us! The consummation of this process is that we become, together, His corporate expression in this universe!

According to His heart’s desire, He made a purpose, which satisfies the deep longing in His heart. This purpose is to have man as the center of the created universe to express Him in full, in all His glory. To carry out His purpose, God has an economy – which was hidden from the ages(Eph. 3:9), but revealed in the New Testament to His holy apostles and prophets in spirit(Eph. 3:5). Today, we see His economy, which transcends the human concept and the human thought – God Himself became a man(John 1:1, 4) to make man God(Rom 1:3-4) in life, nature, expression, constitution and function, but not in the Godhead. Wow!

How can we express God in full? How can we become His duplication? It is not by imitating, not by being “adopted”, but by being begotten of God(John 1:12-13)! The only way to be holy as God is holy is to have His divine life and His holy nature in us. Only His life & His nature can express Him in full, through us and in us. Hallelujah, we are begotten of God! We have His divine life in us, and this life is growing in us, mingling with us, and even becoming us in an organic way. His life saturates us daily, supplies us with God from within, and enables us to live the God-man life on earth as a duplication of Christ’s life. God became a man in Christ, and as the Spirit He came into our spirit. Now from within, He wants to live the same life Christ lived in us. God in Christ as the Spirit in our spirit spreads in us(as we cooperate with Him), makes His home in our heart, lives in us, and is expressed in us.

If you are born of a man, you are a man. If you are born of God, you are God – and since you’re a man also, you are a God-man. That’s what God wants – millions of God-men who express Him corporately on the earth. This is His heart’s desire, His purpose, and the goal of His economy! It is so good to focus on what He wants, to pray over His desire as revealed in the Bible, and just say – Lord, do it! Accomplish Your heart’s desire in me. Make me the same as You are! Gain Your corporate expression, Lord!

12 thoughts on “God’s heart’s desire and His eternal purpose, His economy, related to man!

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