the compound Spirit anoints us and paints us with all that THE SPIRIT is!

The function of the compound Spirit is to anoint us with all the elements of the compound ointment!We have seen what the ingredients and the components of the holy anointing ointmentare – the only God with divinity, the Triune God(the Father, the Son, and the Spirit), man(the creature of God), the precious death of Christ, the sweetness and effectiveness of Christ’s death, the precious resurrection of Christ, the power of Christ’s resurrection, the mingling of divinity with humanity, the power for responsibility, and the building element. All these elements are compounded together to form a holy anointing oil(see Exo. 30:26-31) which is used to anoint everything related to the tabernacle of God and the priesthood serving in the tabernacle. Even more, this compound ointment is for the anointing and painting of all that God is and has accomplished – onto God’s people! Continue reading about the function of the compound Spirit via,

The function of the compount Spirit is to anoint us with all the elements of the compound ointment!

the compound Spirit – enjoying the preciousness, sweetness, and effectivenes of Christ’s death!

the precious death of Christ and the sweetness & effectiveness of His death are in the Compound Spirit!Christ as the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit today is the compound Spirit – He has been “compounded” with all the elements He picked up in the process He went through. In Exodus 30:23-25 we see that there was an anointing oil being compounded according to the work of a compounder – a holy anointing oil which will anoint everything in God’s house. This ointment typifies the compound Spirit – and all the elements in the compound ointment typify one aspect of Christ’s process, especially His death and resurrection. Here’s what we see in Exodus 30:23-25 regarding the elements in this compounded ointment… continue reading this portion regarding the myrrh and cinnamon in the compound ointment as unveiled in Exodus 30 via,

the precious death of Christ and the sweetness & effectiveness of His death are in the Compound Spirit!