God’s location today is the church, His house – here we have the top enjoyment of God!

our daily enjoyment of Christ leads us to the continual enjoyment of God in the house of God!There’s a line through the Psalms which speaks about the enjoyment of God in the house of God – and this enjoyment is much richer than the enjoyment of God in an individual way. This is a crucial thought conveyed in Gen. 35:7, where we see a radical turn from the individual experience of God to the corporate experience of God. The corporate experience of God doesn’t refer or imply that you are in all the meetings of the church all the time (even though they are indispensable!), but especially that in your being you have been truly built up and built in, so that whether you are in a meeting or not, you are a corporate person!

Individual Christians can only experience the Triune God in an exceedingly limited way, but the experience of the Triune God in the house of God is immeasurable! Continue reading this portion via,

our daily enjoyment of Christ leads us to the continual enjoyment of God in the house of God!