Romans 8 is the focus of the Bible and speaks of the center of the universe

learning to live our human life by the divine life in our mingled spirit (Romans 8)The Lord’s recovery is not only the recovery of the truth in the Bible, of the Christian practices, the church life, etc, but it is also the recovery of our daily life with our daily living. This week we are getting into Romans chapter 8, which talks about our living, touching the center of the universe and being the focus of the entire Bible. The Lord’s recovery should not be characterized only by the high truth we speak and have, the wonderful Christian practices and church life, but also by our testimony in our daily living, in which we live the divine life in the human life daily.

Romans 8 is the focus of the entire Bible

In the beginning, the Bible speaks about God creating man in His image so that God would get into man to be one with Him in order that man may express and represent God. At the end of the Bible we see a consummation – God and man being mingled together as the New Jerusalem, the corporate expression of the Triune God! Between these two ends we have Paul’s Epistles, the heart of the Bible, and Romans 8 is the focus of the entire Bible! Continue reading on how we can live by the divine life in our human life,

living the human life by the divine life; the center of the universe is the mingled spirit

the focus of the Lord’s recovery is the corporate expression of the Triune God!

the local churches as the golden lampstands bear the testimony of Jesus on the earthThis week in the morning revival we are going through, The Focus of the Lord’s Recovery, and the title of the first message / the title for this week is, The Need to See the Focus of the Lord’s Recovery. It is relatively easy to be in the sphere of the Lord’s recovery, to be in the meetings in the local church, yet not see what the focus of the Lord’s Recovery is. Only the Spirit of reality can create in us a genuine sense of need – if we do not sense a need, we cannot advance very far. We need to see what the focus of the Lord’s recovery is!

not having an empty church life

If we do not see what the Lord’s recovery is intrinsically, we may be in the Lord’s recovery outwardly and in the local church meetings weekly, but we may have an empty church life. Unless we see the intrinsic significance of the Lord’s recovery we have a vain life, at best a Brethren-type of meeting… The focus of the Lord’s Recovery is the corporate expression of the Triune God – in the church life, Christ is shining and God is fully expressed through all the saints! Continue reading via,

the local churches as the golden lampstands bear the testimony of Jesus on the earth

the gospel is concerning the Triune God dispensing Himself as life into man

the gospel is the answer and the key to the five main mysteries in the universeThe center of Paul’s gospel is Romans chapter 8, which is concerning the Triune God dispensing Himself as life into all the three parts of man to fill man with life! In Romans 8 we have the Father, the Son, and the Spirit (v. 9-11) who is God the Triune for the purpose of dispensing Himself into man! Firstly, God enters our spirit (v. 10) then He saturates our mind, our soul (v. 6), and then He enters our body (v. 11) giving life to every part of our tripartite being! This is the center of the gospel!

the five main mysteries in the universe

Every thoughtful person living on the earth has – at one point in time – been puzzled by the mystery of the universe, the mystery of man, the mystery of God, what will happen in the future, and what is the church. Does God exist? How does He look like and what is He like? Why is man on the earth – here today and gone in a few years? What does our future hold, even after death? Continue reading about the solution to these questions via,

the gospel is the answer and the key to the five main mysteries in the universe

God’s desire is to have many sons to express Him corporately; this is the gospel!

Paul's gospel is a gospel of sonship - God’s intention is to bring many sons into gloryThe gospel of God is focused on the Son of God and on God’s desire to have many sons – it is the gospel of sonship. Everything that God does is for this purpose – to have many sons who express Him corporately. Paul served God in the gospel of His Son (Rom. 1:9), and the gospel of God is concerning His Son in His humanity and divinity (Rom. 1:1-4). Sonship includes everything: designation to be sons, resurrection, justification, sanctification, transformation, conformation, glorification, and manifestation! This is Paul’s gospel, a gospel of sonship (Rom. 8:1429Gal. 3:264:7)!

the focus of the gospel is sonship

It is so easy to have a natural understanding of the Word of God and think that the book of Romans, the gospel of God, speaks about God’s condemnation, man being justified, our sanctification, and even our glorification – since these matters are thoroughly dealt with and expounded. But the focus of the gospel is the matter of sonship, for which we need transformation, conformation… continue reading via,

Paul’s gospel is a gospel of sonship – God’s intention is to bring many sons into glory

from God’s condemnation to the local churches, the entire book of Romans is Paul’s gospel

Paul's gospel includes the entire book of Romans, from God's condemnation to the local churchesPaul’s gospel is the complete gospel and the basic gospel, speaking of Christ as the Spirit becoming one with us to be everything to us! Actually, Paul’s gospel is a Person – he preached Christ crucified, and he ministered Christ to people. Paul received the revelation of Christ in a personal way from God Himself, and he spoke of the Christ he has seen and enjoyed! Paul’s gospel is a revelation of the Triune God processed to become the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit (see 1 Cor. 15:452 Cor. 3:17Gal. 3:2,514).

the gospel is the Triune God being our life

Too long have we been under the influence of the low gospel preached in Christianity in the past. We may have been saved by such a gospel, but according to the Bible the complete gospel is not only something like “believe in the Lord so that you will not go to hell but go to heaven” – no, the gospel is much more! More,

Paul’s gospel includes the entire book of Romans, from God’s condemnation to the local churches