the solid truth in the Word of God needs to become our constitution and nourishment!

we need to be constituted with the truth and have the solid truth deposited into our beingAs believers in the Lord we have the Spirit of God within and the Word of God without, and everything that we experience of the Lord is related to these two. If we neglect the Word of God outside of us and we don’t read it regularly, no matter how much we seek the Spirit within, our experience is not that rich and not that meanigful. Everything needs to be based on the Word of God – and the way we read and get into the Word is by praying over the Word to enjoy the Spirit in the Word. When we exercise our spirit to read the Word and pray over the Word, the written Word becomes the rhema, the living Word to nourish us and supply us!

we need to be constituted with the truth

This is not just an expression – being constituted with the truth – and it not just something we desire to do, but this is our need! If we love the Lord, we also need to love His Word and keep His Word (John 14:15), that is, get into His Word! We need to do our best to get ourselves into the divine truths revealed in the Word of God and get the truth constituted into our being.

we need to know what is the central line of the divine revelation in the Bible!

This is a question that all the genuine believers in Christ should ask themselves and have it settled within them! The Bible speaks about a lot of things and it has many topics, many books, and many writers. But the Scriptures as the God-breathed Word(2 Tim. 3:16) have a central line – there is a central line of the divine revelation in the Bible! On the one hand, we need to know the main revelation in the Bible and, on the other hand, we need to know also the minor points in the Bible! There is a “trunk” and there are “the branches” – the trunk is only ONE, while the branches are many. What matters is knowing and seeing the “trunk” – the central line of the divine revelation; we should stress the central line of the divine revelation – but we should not “forget the branches”, the other minor points in the Scriptures. Actually, since the Bible is the Word of God and is written of God through men borne by the Holy Spirit(2 Pet. 1:21), … – read this full article via,

What is the Central Line of the Divine Revelation in the Bible? What’s the main revelation in the Bible?

we need to eat the Lord’s Word and speak for God!(sharing from the conference in Portugal)

Our God is a speaking God. He is always speaking and He loves to speak. When He created the earth He did not rise up His arm and shook it… but He just spoke the word! This means that our dear God does everything through His speaking. When He created man, He made him in His image, because He wanted man to express and represent Him(Gen 1:26) But how can man do it? We have to know that God’s desire is that the man He created would speak for Him. Isn’t it marvelous? We can speak for God!

If we want to speak for God, we need to read the Bible, because in this wonderful Book we can find God´s speaking. But just to read the Bible is not enough, we also need to eat His words. In Mathew 4, when the Lord was walking through the desert, Satan came to Him knowing that the Lord was hungry, and he told Him in verse 3: “if You are the son of God, speak that these stones may become loaves of bread“. But the Lord told him in verse 4: “But He answered and said. It is written, “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out through the mouth of God“. Praise the Lord, we can eat every word that proceeds out through the mouth of God” Also, in Jeremiah 15:16 it says: “Your words were found and I ate them, And Your word became to me The gladness and joy of my heart, For I am called by Your name, O Jehovah, God of hosts.” We need to pray-read His words!

We as human beings have a stomach, and we need to eat at least three times at day. We as Christians also have a spiritual stomach which needs spiritual food. In order to eat something, we need to be hungry. But sometimes, when a person is sick, he or she does not feel like eating anything. According to our experience, sometimes we do not feel like eating of the Lord Jesus or eating His words – what should we do then? We know that we need to eat His words, but we have no appetite…. Well, it is very simple, if we are not hungry, if we do not feel praying-reading, contacting the Lord in His word, we just need to tell the Lord:

Lord Jesus, I open all my being to You! Lord, I am not hungry, but I want to be hungry! I need You Lord.

Saints, the Lord is waiting for us to turn to Him, the more we turn to Him the more hungry we will become. We will really feel that we need His words and we will go to read the Bible and pray-read the verses. Then, John 6:63 will be a reality for us: “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words which I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.” [sharing from the recent conference in Portugal by brother Eliezer]

Hallelujah for the speaking people of the speaking God! (sharing from the conference in Portugal)

Praise the Lord that we can gather together in His name! He was surely in our midst the entire conference in Porto, Portugal. The blending with the saints from Portugal, Spain, and the UK was so sweet, encouraging and uplifting and the ministry of the Word was rich and built the church a little more.

The general subject of the conference was Speaking the Word of God. Our God is a speaking God! All creation came into being by His speaking. We all know and can recite Genesis 1:26-28 but they are new words to me again. The way we are in His image and have His dominion is by our speaking for Him! We can represent God because we are able to speak as God speaks. But we don’t speak our own words… we speak His words.

In order for us to speak His words, we must come to the Word of God, even to God Himself because He IS the Word! We must become God-constituted people. So we need to pray the Word. As we pray-read the Word, we are washed, cleansed, beautified, and all the negative things in us are dealt with. “Lord make us a people who allow Your Word to dwell in us richly!

If we are filled with the Word, our living will be different. Our living will become a prophesying life. This is what builds the church. We must believe this – our speaking for God and speaking forth God WILL BUILD THE CHURCH! The church is built word by word, prophecy by prophecy. Our speaking is no small, insignificant thing. Even the youngest and weakest can build the church. Believe it! Practice it! [sharing from the recent conference in Portugal by sister Suzette W.] [Read this portion also in Spanish / Puede leer esta porción también en español, ¡Aleluya por el pueblo que habla del Dios que habla! (Testimonio de la conferencia en Portugal)]

speaking the word of God – Blending and Feasting at conferences in Portugal and South Africa

Praise the Lord for His fresh speaking in His recovery across the world! I have had the privilege of attending not just one conference by two conferences these past two weeks! On the 5th March 2011 I attended the conference in Oporto (Villa Nova de Gaia), Portugal, where the general title of the conference was “Falar a Palavra de Deus” or “Speaking the Word of God”. One week later I attended the conference in Pretoria, South Africa, where the general title was “A Need for a fresh vision of the Lord’s recovery for the increase and spread of the Lord’s testimony”.

At the conference in Oporto, I enjoyed to see that if I want the prayer in Eph 3:17 answered I need to be practical and I need to eat. So how do I become practical and how is eating involved? Well, in Eph 3:17 the apostle Paul prays that Christ may make home in our hearts. How can the Lord make home in my heart? Simple. It is by the word of Christ dwelling in us richly (Col 3:16)! If I want Christ to dwell in me, if I want Christ to move further into my being, I need the word of Christ to increase in me. Therefore, I need to eat more of Him as the word into my being by regularly pray-reading His word until His word dwells richly in me! Thus when His word dwells in me, He will make home in my heart, because He Himself is the Word (John 1:1, 14).

At the conference in Pretoria I enjoyed two matters:

  1. Firstly, I enjoyed that it is the will of God for me to know, experience, enjoy and be saturated with Christ, therefore I need to “let no one” delude me, carry me off, judge me or defraud me of enjoying Him (Col 2:4, 8, 16, 18). God has an enemy and he will do anything to prevent you from enjoying Christ!
  2. Secondly, if you want your enjoyment of Christ to increase in you, you need to speak! You need to prophesy! When you prophesy, you are building up His church (1 Cor 14:4, Matt 16:18) which makes Him satisfied and as a result you are satisfied. When you are in the will of God, you will be satisfied!

Therefore don’t keep the word of Christ (which is dwelling in you [Col 3:16]) just for yourself, but speak it forth to others (1 Cor 14:26b) so that the church may be built up (1 Cor 14:12) and He may return! [sharing from the conference in Porto(PT) and in Pretoria(SA)]